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The theme displays last update time and contributors of the page via the @vuepress/plugin-gitopen in new window plugin, and provides support for an "edit this page" button.

The theme also provides navigation buttons for previous and next pages depending on sidebar config.

Git-based Information

vuepress-theme-hope uses the built-in @vuepress/plugin-gitopen in new window plugin to automatically generate page create time, last update time and contributors.

The plugin will automatically generate the page creation time and last update time from the UNIX timestamp (ms) of the last git commit of the page file, and generate contributors based on the commit record.

The theme will display last update time in the appropriate date format, along with all page contributors at the bottom of the page.


The theme will use Date.toLocaleString(pageLang) to automatically localize the text of last update time according to the current language.


  1. Since the contributors, last update time, and file creation time information are based on git, you can only enable it in a git based project.

  2. Since related information are from git commits, they will only be displayed after the first commit for a given page, and will only be updated when some commits change that page.

  3. Since the git plugin needs to call Git binary and involves file IO, this function will seriously affect the startup and hot update speed, so by default theme will not be enabled in devServer. Set plugins.git: true or hotReload: true in theme options if needed.

You can automatically generate edit links for each page by setting the following items in theme options:

  • docsRepo: docs repository link, same as repo by default
  • docsDir: the directory of docs in the repository, defaults to root directory
  • docsBranch: docs branch, defaults to "main"

Display Control

To hide these items globally, set the corresponding items below to false in theme options. You can also enable/disable specific pages by setting these items in YAML front matter:

  • lastUpdated: whether to display last update time of the page
  • contributors: whether to show page contributors
  • editLink: whether to display "edit page" link