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Features can be easily inferred by function names.

The ua parameter is navigator.userAgent, as it's not available in SSR, so you are expected to call these functions in onMounted lifecycle.

export const checkIsMobile: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsChromeWebView: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsSafariMobile: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsSafari: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsiPhone: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsiPad: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsWindows: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsIOS: (ua: string) => boolean;
export const checkIsMacOS: (ua: string) => boolean;
 * Whether the lick is active
 * @param route Current route
 * @param link link path
 * @returns Whether the lick is active
export const isActiveLink: (
  route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded,
  link?: string,
) => boolean;