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About 2 minLayoutPageLayout

Icon Support

You can configure the icon field in the frontmatter of the page, and fill in the FontClass of the corresponding icon to bind the icon to the page.

This icon is used in navbar, sidebar, breadcrumb and page title.

icon: home


For icon settings, please see Icon Support

Page Info Display

Please see Page Info Section

Please see Breadcrumb.

Header List

In desktop mode, a list of article headers will automatically be displayed on the right side of the screen. (They will be placed in the sidebar on mobile devices)

If you don't want to display the title list on the right in desktop mode, please set toc: false in theme options.

You can also set it through toc in page frontmatter.

Setting header depth

You can customize the depth of the header list by setting headerDepth in theme options and page frontmatter.


The valid maximum value depends on which levels of headers you have extracted via markdown.headers.levelopen in new window.

Since the default value of markdown.headers.levelopen in new window is [2, 3], so The default maximum value for headerDepth is 2.

Contributors and Last Updated Time

Please see Page Meta.

Prev and next links are automatically inferred based on the sidebar order of the active page. You can also explicitly overwrite or disable them globally with theme config or on specific pages using Front matter:

prev: ./some-other-page
next: false


Please see Comment section for details.

Customize Layout

By default, the content of each *.md file is rendered in a <div class="page"> container, along with the sidebar, auto-generated edit links and previous/next links. To use a fully custom component in place of the page, you can again specify the component using frontmatter:

layout: SpecialLayout

This will render SpecialLayout layout registered in VuePress for the given page.


The theme only provides Layout, 404 layout.

Also the theme:

  • Provides a Blog layout when the blogging feature is enabled
  • Provides a Slide layout when the slideshow feature is enabled

If you want to provide your own layout, please add them in client config filesopen in new window.

Customize Container Class

By default, each page is rendered in a div with class theme-container. To apply some special styles to specific pages, you can additionally specify a class name by setting containerClass in frontmatter

containerClass: fancy-container

This will render in <div class="theme-container fancy-container" /> for the current page.