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About 1 minLayoutFooterLayout

vuepress-theme-hope provides footer feature for all pages Support page config.

Global Config

You can set the default footer content and copyright information globally using footer and copyright in theme options.

The footer is not displayed by default. To display the footer, you need to set displayFooter: true in theme options.

Different Locales

You can set footers for each language individually under locales field in theme options.

Page Config

You can configure footer and copyright options in the frontmatter of the page to set footer content of a specific page.

  • When setting displayFooter: true in theme options, you can set footer: false in frontmatter to disable footer in a specific page.

  • When the global display of footer is not enabled, setting footer: true means displaying the default footer.

  • If you fill in a string, it will be inserted into the footer as content with v-html command, so you can fill in HTMLString.

The copyright field is used as copyright information of a specific page (useful when you cite an article and the article uses a specific license). It also supports HTMLString.

The default copyright text will be generated from author and license in theme options.

When setting displayFooter: true in theme options, you can also set copyright: false to hide the copyright information in a specific page.


  • Display default footer text:

    footer: true
  • Customize footer text without displaying copyright information:

    footer: This site is served by GitHub Pages
    copyright: false
  • Customize footer content and copyright information:

    footer: <a href=""> Mr.Hope </a>
    copyright: License under CC4.0, author Mr.Hope
  • When you set displayFooter: true in theme options, you can also disable it locally:

    footer: false
  • To remove the default footer content while keeping copyright information displayed, please use an empty string.

    footer: ""